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My Journey from Academia to the Path of Spiritual Healing

In the following video I am interviewed by Elizabeth Cooper on her show "Caffeinated Cooper." I describe my personal journey that begins in graduate school at University of Oklahoma.

There, in the anthropology department I began my fieldwork among the Comanche people exploring my interest in healing and spirituality. We talk about my adopted grandfather, medicine man, Oliver Pahdopony.

We talk about other medicine people and their amazing ways of healing. We also discuss how I came to be involved with traditional Mesoamerican healing practices known as Curanderismo, as well as the teachers I studied with in the US and in Mexico.

Finally, we cover how I came to be a healer using a variety of modalities with origin in indigenous ways, as applicable to the problems we face today, including soul loss; both collectively as a society, and individually.

I hope you enjoy it!



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